Resources & network

Rail transport

China railway transportation, safe and fast

Has been opened:

12 hours arrived in changsha, wuhan, nanchang, xiamen, fuzhou, nanning, etc. 24 hours of arrival: Beijing, Shanghai, hangzhou, nanjing, hefei, suzhou, kunshan, wuxi, zhengzhou, shijiazhuang, etc. 36 hours arrived at shenyang, Qingdao, chengdu, chongqing, Harbin, changchun, jinan, etc. To January 2007, my company has opened in shenzhen a total of 40 express routes across the country, basic can meet the customers on the special requirements of cargo shipping time, convenient to customers, expand the business scope of the win-win effect. Hope my company the characteristic business also can bring convenience to your work, let you also become those who go before time! Other city not listed, can inquire. To train railway luggage transport price list

Special note: the weight in order to "yuan/kg" calculation, the volume in order to "yuan/cubic meter" computing

地点  重量 体积 时间   地点  重量 体积 时间
北京 1.80 250 3天   郑州 1.50 280 2天
天津 1.80 250 3天   乌鲁木齐 2.30 450 4天
大连 2.20 500 3天   杭州 1.00 250 2天
沈阳 2.20 440 3天   上海 1.00 250 2天
兰州 2.00 420 3天   银川 1.80 380 4天
海城 2.20 490 3天   西安 1.80 380 3天
长春 2.20 400 3天   西宁 1.80 380 4天
哈尔滨 2.10 390 4天   贵阳 1.70 320 3天
重庆 1.30 290 2天   昆明 1.30 280 2天
成都 1.30 300 3天   义乌 1.70 250 2天
长沙 1.00 150 1天   武汉 1.50 280 2天

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